Loving Our Children Brings Special Joys and is One of The Clearest Ways We Become More Like Jesus...Soul Matters: For Moms

Friday, May 6, 2011

How thirsty is a cow really?

So, it has been a while since I have written a new post, but I mean really, what do you expect. I can't think straight! It is like everyday I will say to myself, "I need to write that down," but do I ever? NO! When I finally sit down to type, it is 11 at night and my brain is mush. So I am going to try my best to remember ANYTHING!
Jake has his first t-ball game tomorrow and he is very excited. I might be pushing him to be more excited than he really is, but i just can't help myself. Do you ever feel as a mom that when the kids are fighting or just doing something that they should not, that you try to engage them in conversation because you are JUST PLAIN TIRED of punishing them or correcting them? Well, I have been ding that lately with Jake. I prefer to call it MIND CONTROL. It makes me sound powerful and looks better than me just being plain crazy when I am chasing them and trying to spank them or dragging them to time out with the kids yelling "You scare me!" Well, then GOOD! I am suppose to be scary when I am mad, but obviously I am not scary enough because you go back to doing what I punished you for five minutes after you get out of timeout! I guess scary is overrated. It is like being afraid of Scooby Doo shows (which I was very much so as a kid). Anyway, I think I got off subject- SEE! It is how my brain works these days. I developed a serious case of ADD after having kids.
Back to Jake and t-ball. So while driving in the car, (my kids are so crammed together because, well, my car is paid for and we are just making due with three large car seats very close to each other in which the kids can all too easily pester one another without really trying instead of getting a new car that comes with a car note) Jake starts arguing with his sisters as usual, and so to get his mind off the girls, I asked him if he was super excited about his very first baseball game this weekend. Well, there is another problem. Preschoolers and time don't get each other. Jake asked when the game was and I said tomorrow. BIG mistake- HUGE! Tomorrow to a preschooler must be the 8th day of the week. "When is it going to be tomorrow mom?" "Well Jake, after today, it will be tomorrow. " "But that is a long time away! When will it get here?" I tried to tell him that when he goes to sleep and wakes up that tomorrow will then be today. Oh heaven help me (can you see where this is going or is my Muthahood ADD typing this entry?) Now instead of Jake fighting with his sisters, he is now frustrated with me and I can't fix it. I am probably going to really mess this kid up.
So tonight, we went to a birthday party. "Ain't No party like a west Coast party..." until one of the McMillan Amigos gets injured. I am starting to think that we have been cursed with accident prone children. Or the insurance company has put a chip in my kids in which they have a remote that triggers one or all of my kids to get injured and we have to go and pay them more money than they are already taking from us. Either way, they get paid and we once again get lucky and are not turned it to DHS. Tonight, it was just Jake and Sienna because Kassidy spent the night with her Tia and Pop. Jake was overly nice and protective of Sienna. Jonathan and I just kept looking at each other every time Jake would call Sienna to come slide with him or ask us where his sister was. It was a little creepy, but we were just trying to enjoy the moment because tomorrow will be a new day and instead of music from Little House on the Prairie , it will be music from James Bond, Die Another Day! So, Sienna busted her lip and then fell off backwards from the table while eating her hot dog and since I was not in there, I was told it was really bad. Well, OF COURSE it was! It is my child isn't it? We kind of have a family motto these days "Go hard or don't go at all!" Hummmmm.....
On our way home, I just knew they would fall asleep within 2 minutes, but it wasn't. Jonathan couldn't eat the hot dogs because he is a freak and can't eat any chicken. YES HE IS! I know I know what you are thinking..."what do yall eat?" Well...everything but chicken. So, Jonathan went into to get a pizza and Jake decides he is thirsty and this is how it goes...
"Mom, I am as thirsty as a cow!" In which I reply the only thing I knew how, "How thirsty is a cow Jake?" "No mom, I am now thirsty as a chick. So So SO thirsty!" I then tried to calm him and say, we are on our way home and we will get you something to drink. But now he must be in dehydration mode because he informed me that his diagnosis has worsen and he is as thirsty as a tree now. What is a mother to do? Her son is dying of thirst; though, he really just drank 2 capri suns 10 minutes earlier. So, I go back to my "mind control," and ask him if he was super excited about his very first baseball game tomorrow. And here we go again..."When is tomorrow mom?"
HEAVEN HELP ME (or at least rain down some good medication)