Loving Our Children Brings Special Joys and is One of The Clearest Ways We Become More Like Jesus...Soul Matters: For Moms

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Day in The Life of Crazy...

Why do we not have stock in the American Ambulance Association or UMC? Since my Adventures in Motherhood began 4 1/2 years ago, I have called 911 at least 4 times, been in 1 ambulance ride but had 3 come to me and numerous go to the E.R. on my own trips.
It all began after the twins 2 week (maybe it was 6 week- whichever one they get their first set of shots) doctors appointment with their shots and I needed to get out of the house, so I took the twins and my limo stroller to Target. When leaving, Kassidy started foaming at the mouth and it looked like she couldn't get air. I freaked (what's new) but couldn't get the dang car seat buckles undone to get her out. Thank the good Lord 2 Target workers were walking by and they were able to assist me while I called 911...That was the most expensive car ride I had ever been on- $1000 just for the ambulance to take me from Target in Ridgeland to UMC! Since then, I try not to actually "ride" in the ambulance. She was ok. They said it was her just learning how to swallow and she choked on some saliva. A few months later she rolled off the bed and passed out in which I had to run in my underwear (I told you I freak out and don't think straight) to my parent's house where the maid service was(luckily they were all women) and had to get them to watch Jake in the swing while my Dad came home to drive us to the hospital. $3000 later (CAT scans and such), she was fine.
Jake has also passed out a few times from getting upset and broken his arm and sliced his hand open with a metal tape measurer and spent 3 days in the hospital because his oxygen levels were too low. I think one of those accidents I was undressed as well and Jonathan was like "Are you going to put clothes on before we go to the hospital?" Nothing fits more perfectly than me sitting at UMC with a wife beater, yoga pants, flip flops and wet hair and my child in a t shirt, pull ups and bleeding hand! Why is it that you can only find a wife beater to wear in emergency situations?
So far, today's accident has been Sienna's first one; though, I am sure there will be many to come. Maybe she has just learned from her brother and sister just how far to push the limits, but I am more afraid she is going to try and top everything they do, including emergencies!
Luckily, all these incidents I can laugh at now. I have to pray hard for what lies ahead with the little rascals that I am watching fill up all the dump trucks with water and take to a hole in the backyard to fill up. No telling what their plans are for that hole, but they are loving every minute of whatever they are doing. Just please dear Lord, don't let anyone get hurt. I am sure the ambulance and fire station will bill us for the visit today!

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