Loving Our Children Brings Special Joys and is One of The Clearest Ways We Become More Like Jesus...Soul Matters: For Moms

Thursday, March 24, 2011

E.T. Phone Home!

So, what are my odds of getting ole Steven to let me borrow E.T. for my daughter Sienna? I mean this child is OBSESSED. What is so funny is that I hated that movie as a kid. It scared the you know what out of me. Though, during our spring break, I think I was forced to overcome my fear of the freakishly weird alien, because we watched the movie about a dozen times. Sienna talk about E.T. everyday like they are BFF. Tonight on our way home from an ever exhausting trip to the grocery store, Sienna became a motor mouth. What was she talking about you ask....you guessed it- E.T. It kind of went something like this...
Oh momma, where is E.T.? Where is he? Is he coming back? He didn't get to play with me at my house. I want him to come to my house and spin the night with me, momma! Where did he go? Did he have to go home to his mommy and Daddy? Why? (mind you...she is asking all these questions without giving me time to answer them)I tried to answer some of the questions but it just did not satisfy her. So she would start back over with the questions. When we got to this gravel road- I think I took the long way home because I was so entertained by her thoughts- Sienna pointed over to this field and was like "LOOK! LOOK MOMMA! There is where E.T. came to (I am thinking she is talking about where the ship landed). Is he coming back here? To stay at my house and play with me? OH Momma! I miss him. I want him to come back...
I really tried hard to remember every detail of her sweet little conversation that I was blessed to be a part of. The love Sisi has for this alien she has only seen in a movie is precious. Then it got me thinking- am I this passionate about life? Do I ever get that excited over anything at all? It was similar to what we discussed in this Bible study I am in. I think about my salvation. I mean look at what my God has done for me. For all of us and when do i ever just start rambling on and on about how much I love him? NEVER! Then I just sat there in my car and wanted to cry. I wanted to slap myself. what is it that keeps me from having a child like heart and just get excited and not care what the world thinks. Am I too shy (probably not)? Am I too busy? Am I lazy? Am I complacent? Is it all the above? What will it take to get me to that point where I do what my heart feels like when I am driving in my car and a song comes on that brings tears to my eyes and I am so ready to do whatever God asks of me...or at least until I get to my driveway and start getting out of my car back to my life that shows no passion.
I wanted to write these blogs to keep my mind positive. It is so easy to write a journal and gripe and complain because my husband doesn't pick up after himself or take me on dates, but that is not what I want to dwell on. I want to see all the light in my life. All the blessings, even those that come through pain and suffering. From the funny things my kids do to the sweet drawings I find all over my house to the moments of tranquility I find for 5 minutes in my bathroom. Think like Christ would think takes a lot of effort for sure, but I am called to be like him and it starts with training our minds to be positive. To be happy. To love and be excited about this life God has given us.

Job 33:26-28-

26 then that person can pray to God and find favor with him,
they will see God’s face and shout for joy;
he will restore them to full well-being.
27 And they will go to others and say,
‘I have sinned, I have perverted what is right,
but I did not get what I deserved.
28 God has delivered me from going down to the pit,
and I shall live to enjoy the light of life.’

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