Loving Our Children Brings Special Joys and is One of The Clearest Ways We Become More Like Jesus...Soul Matters: For Moms

Friday, March 4, 2011

Let's Get This Started!

Okay, so here I go...I am attempting to "Blog" though I am way behind. Everyone is now tweeting, but oh well. This blog is about my humerous and creative children. I am daily amazed at their ability to make me laugh or stump me or just get me off track. With two 4 year olds and an almost 3 year old, life is far far from dull or calm. The Birth Order Book was thrown out the window with my kids- it is like they are all first, middle and youngest all rolled up into one tiny little body. To keep myself sane, I decided to focus on their "good" characteristics. The ones that make me laugh, cry and just think about how amazing God's creation is. I did this by keeping a Happy Journal. I know that sounds cheesy, but that is exactly what it is. Don't just journal all the frustration of being a stay at home wife and mother, but journal all the HAPPY things. The ones to remember when they have had me committed.
Jake, my easily frustrated 4 year old, is all boy. There is a few ounces of sweetness in him that he gives to his momma (I TOTALLY understand the "momma's boy" phenomenon now). He loves baseball and anything gross and slimy he can find outside. The persistence of this kid is amazing. when he wants something and we say no or not now or wait or ANYTHING but yes, total meltdown! He doesn't let it go. It is worth a time outs and spankings- yes, I said spanking! I will probably say it quite a bit, so if it makes you uncomfortable- this blog ain't for you! My parent's spanked me and I turned out alright, though my husband might disagree at times, and have a normal loving relationship with them. Spankings do work and they are not bad like the world wants you to believe, but there is a time and place for them and MUST be done with Mr. DoRight...
Oh Mr. DoRight, the giver of all whippings! Though my mother said you would work, my children chose to befriend you instead. They are smart these little devils. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!" They get it, they really get it! It is impossible to spank while driving a car, no matter how long the "Object" you have is. I have had spatulas, switches, and paint can mixers- all drawn with the famous frowny face of Mr DoRight. I could hold it up anywhere when they were younger, and he would quiet them no problem. Then the day came when I took Mr. DoRight and the kids waved their hands up in the air and yelled, 'HEY! It's Mr. DoRight!" After that, the kids would asked me to hold him up so they could see him. Needless to say, I had to retire him and go back to plain ole threatening.
Kassidy is my sweet child. The one who will cuddle with me and color me pictures and sit quietly for hours by herself. Well, then she can be the child who is running through the house naked, screaming and laughing and completely ignoring me. By the way, she usually does this when we are suppose to be leaving the house to go eat or when getting in bed. She is super talented and strong as an ox. I really have a gold medal in mind for her future. No pressure, just gold! It's not like I am one of those crazed Toddler & Tiara moms.
Sienna, aka SiSi, is the baby who doesn't believe that she is the baby. She is Mary Poppins one day and the Little Mermaid the next. Though she is most concerned with the "pee-a apple!" This is what most would call the poisonous apple from Snow White, but Sienna has a SLIGHT speech problem. I was always told that this is normal in the youngest child and that their older siblings would translate for them. That is not so much the case in our family. For instance, one morning while driving to school, Sienna was telling me something and for the life of me I could not even pretend I understood her and she KNEW it! So, I asked Kassidy, what is your sister asking for? And very quickly, Kassidy responded, "I have no idea, she doesn't say words momma." No matter how frustrating dialogue between Sienna and myself, I can bring up Snow White or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Mary Poppins and WHAM! problem solved. Distraction is key.
I sometimes feel God is watching down on my parenting skills and saying I am going to let her be pushed a little more, and even though I feel at the end of my rope multiple times out of a day, parenting has made me a better Christian. A better person. It has brought me to my knees and made me realize how important my prayer life is. So what if my kids think I talk to myself all the time. Kassidy did ask me who I was talking to one day which made me jump back for a second and think "Uh OH!" but I just told her that mommy needs to talk to God everyday. She asked me why, and I told her that God helps us do things better. Then I thought, the most important ministries that I have in my life are the three precious children who are painting my walls with nail polish, hiding in my closet behind my white jeans eating chocolate cupcakes, changing clothes for the tenth time in a 5 minute period, giving each other haircuts, and picking me weeds because they want me to have some "pretty flowers."

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